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Tax Center


Accessing Commonwealth tax documents in Investor360º

Provided below is information on the availability and retrieval of 2024 tax forms for Commonwealth investment accounts1

1If you own investment accounts held away from Commonwealth Financial Network/National Financial Services (i.e. - American Funds, Lincoln, Prudential, etc.), those tax forms are not available through Investor360º. You will receive tax forms from direct investment companies by mail, or if you signed up for e-delivery through the direct company website, you will receive an e-mail when tax forms are available online.

Tax form availability and extensions

  • As in years past, NFS has requested a 30-day extension from the IRS’s initial mailing deadline of February 15. 
  • This allows NFS time to capture information for securities that have a high likelihood of late income reclassifications, potentially minimizing the need to create and distribute corrected tax forms that could result in amended returns.
  • Some issuers have until March 15 to provide final information.
  • Please refer to the Tax Form Mailing Dates chart provided here.

If you are scheduling an appointment with your tax preparer and are unsure if you have all of your tax forms for investments held through Weller Financial Group, please contact our office in advance so that we can provide you with an updated timeframe for tax form availability. 

Accessing Your Tax Forms

If you are enrolled in e-delivery, you will receive an email notifying you that your tax forms are ready to view. If you are not enrolled in e-delivery, your form will be mailed within five business days of online posting.

In both cases, once issued, you may access an electronic version of your tax forms in Investor360°® under Statements & Documents > Tax Reporting > Most Recent. Or watch this video for steps to locate your tax forms online.

Investor360º and paperless preference instructions

If you have not registered to use Investor360º, we encourage you to call our office to establish a login ID. Any investor in your household can request his or her unique login ID.

Once you have established access to Investor360º, you can elect your paperless preferences for your Commonwealth brokerage account(s) by following these steps

Send your 2024 Income Tax Return to Weller Financial Group

Please consider requesting that your tax preparer send your final 2024 income tax return and supporting documents to Weller Financial Group for our records. We have created this written request that you can provide to your tax preparer.

There are other helpful resources related to taxes, including links to the IRS and NYS Tax Department on our Websites page.

If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact our office.

Thank you,

Weller Financial Group