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June 2024

Highlights: Staff earn designations & certifications | Summer Business Hours | How to Bounce Back Financially After Job Loss | Prioritize Financial Goals | Markets Updates

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March 2024

Highlights: Financial Tips for Female Breadwinners | Which Financial Documents Should You Back Up? | Social Security 'Slam the Scam' | 2023 Tax Document Availability | Markets Updates

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February 2024

Highlights: Ways to Reduce Your Tax Liability | Finance Tips and Hidden Costs for Snowbirds | Social Security and Your Spouse | 2023 Tax Document Availability | Markets Updates

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January 2024

Highlights: What Can A Financial Advisor Do for You? | 2023 Tax Document Availability | Food Pantry Thank You! | 2024 Key Numbers | Markets Updates

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November 2023

Highlights: 4 Questions Adult Children Should Ask Their Parents Over the Holidays | Should You Suspend Social Security Benefits | How to Invest in Your Health in 2024 | TECH CORNER: Protect Your Online Purchases On Cyber Monday | Markets Updates

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October 2023

Highlights: Year-End Financial Planning Checklist | Backdoor Roth IRA Contributions | Methods of Communication with Weller Group | TECH CORNER: National Cybersecurity Awareness Month | Markets Updates

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